Mountbatten Primary School is located on Bilton Grange in Hull and is part of the Venn Academy Trust. This school is a safe, welcoming and caring community with the pupils at the core of everything we do.
Mountbatten is on a journey ‘to be the best that it can be’ and this drives our whole school community onwards and upwards with a shared determination to succeed.
Our broad and balanced curriculum has been designed by our leaders for our children as we strive to provide them with a fantastic learning journey which will challenge and motivate them throughout their time with us.
We positively promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and modern British values. Our aim is to develop resilient and independent learners with a can do attitude to learning.
Mountbatten is an amazing place to work and learn and we are very proud of all that we have achieved so far and we are determined this will continue.
Our school has a partner school in Sierra Leone and one of our goals this year is to support climate action and stop littering, more recycling and making our school help our climate.